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"Let's embrace this academic year with enthusiasm, knowing each challenge brings us closer to our potential."

Professor M Sakhawat Hussain

PhD (Aston) MSc (Manchester) BSc (Wlv) CEng FIMMM

Dear Students,

As Principal of College of Science Engineering and Management (CSEM), it is my pleasure to welcome you to our CSEM website and we thank you for taking the time to visit.  We hope to provide you with some useful information about our college and to give you an insight into the wealth of experiences we offer our students. Our aim is to make you enjoy your learning, that will challenge you to work hard, and ultimately, we will support you to be the best you can possibly be. Students are our future and we have to work with each and every one of you.

We would like to ensure you develop the knowledge and behaviours needed to achieve your dreams and ambitions, securing the career progression you are looking for.

I hope you enjoy your visit to the website and should you wish to contact us, please find details at the top of the page.
Dr M Sakhawat Hussain


By enhancing the knowledge and skills of our students we would like to help our world economy grow and benefit the world at large.


Our mission is to offer affordable, cutting-edge education that is focused on the individual student and encourage critical thinking, lifelong learning, and personal development thus making our students become a globally renowned leader in online education.